Good Sites for Muslims
Here we have websites and links listed which you can tell about to Muslim friends. These include a number of online Bibles in different languages, such as Arabic, Albanian, Farsi, etc., and even a site where you can watch the whole 2 hour "Jesus film" online in almost every language.
The Jesus Film Project: The Jesus Film has been translated into more languages and has been watched by more people than any other movie in history. This 2 hour film is taken directly from the gospel of Luke in the New Testament, and you can watch the whole movie online in almost any language, including various dialects of Arabic. You can now download the film in many of these languages and burn it to DVD from this page: Jesus Film Media. An excellent site in Arabic with many great and informative articles and books. There's lots of material here to answer Muslims' questions. The site has pages available in other languages like Bengali, Persian, Turkish, Urdu and more.
Al Hayat TV: site of a Christian satellite TV station broadcasting in Arabic to the Arab world, and featuring programs such as Daring Questions, hosted by a former Muslim, broadcast live, and asking hard questions about Islam. There are online videos of some of the shows. Also Questions About Faith, a program hosted by Father Zakaria Boutros that asks very bold questions about Islam. See the article Christian televangelism in the Middle East for a short review.
Father Zakaria Boutros also has a website for Muslims at (Arabic) and at (English).
Islameyat and Islam Explained: Two sites from the Al Hayat Daring Questions program in Arabic and English with video testimonies and materials (some subtitled in English) which cover many contemporary topics of interest among Muslims. "Jesus the Messiah" is a multi-lingual website dedicated to explaining the gospel to Muslims.
A Muslim Journey to Hope: A site in English and Arabic with online video testimonies of Muslims who became Christians, and many other resources.
The Good Way: This site is in English, Arabic and Indonesian, with some good free downloadable literature that answers questions that Muslims have about Christianity.
Al Nour - the Light: An Arabic site that explains Christianity to Muslims.
Kalameh: A very good Christian site for Farsi (Persian or Iranian) speakers.
The Elam site has a bookstore (in English and Farsi) with New Testaments and Christian books.
Iranian Christian Fellowship in London has a website with quite a few sermons, testimonies etc.
Glasgow Iranian Church is another Christian Farsi website which has Alfa lessons online, videos, and some online reading materials, such as the Life Application Bible.
Afghan Radio is a website in English and Pushtu good for Christian materials in Dari and Pushtu (Afghan languages).
The Scripture Resources website provides links to Bibles in many languages.
The sites Christian Tract Ministry and World Christian Tract Finder have links to tracts in many languages.
The Arabic Study Bible website is a free online Bible program in Arabic which has many useful features for studying the Bible.
Sharif Bible Society: The Sharif Bible is the first complete translation for Muslim Arab Readers in all history. It speaks the language of Muslim readers without sacrificing the essential truths of the Gospel. You can listen online to the Sharif Bible here and can order economical mini New Testaments or full Bibles of the Sharif Bible by writing to BibleGateway has online versions of the Bible in text and audio in many different languages.
Ethnic Harvest: A good site where you can find Bibles in many languages in both paper and electronic versions.
Biblica: Here you can read and listen to the Arabic Bible. Also, Farsi, Kurdish, and Urdu are some of the other languages available online here.
Multi-Language Media: Another site where you can order the Bible in many different languages.
World Bibles: A good place to find Bibles in many different languages.
Call of Hope: A site with links to Christian literature, radio programs, and music in Arabic, Bengali, Tamil, and other languages.
Light of Life: A site in Arabic and English presenting the gospel with comparative studies of Islam and Christianity.
Ketaby - An Arabic online study Bible.
The Word: A free software Bible study program which is available in many languages.
Biblearc: A free software Bible study program with many modules which is available in many languages.
e-Sword: A tremendous free full featured Bible software program in English for a Muslim (or anyone else) who wants to study the Bible.